Over 1,300 pages of former secret UFO documents surface in
Brazil and was given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO
September 2009.

(Colin Andrews: The following sent by my friend in Brazil, Prof. A.J. Gevaerd)

Hundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force’s official System for the
Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon have surfaced and
demonstrate how Nation’s military authorities dealt with the UFO Phenomena in
the 60s and 70s.

The Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) has just received a
massive lot of new UFO-related documents from the Brazilian government,
which disclose in detail the inner workings of the official body created by the
Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 1969, during the dictatorship years, to investigate
the presence and activity of aliens in the country: the System for the
Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI). This time, however,
the newly disclosed documents have not come from the government, as a
result of the campaign “UFOs: Freedom of Information Now!”, which has so far
produced three official disclosures, the largest and most important of which was
on May 4th, largely announced worldwide.

The new former secret material was handed over to CBU by civilian researcher
Edison Boaventura, from Grupo Ufológico do Guarujá (GUG), who has kept
such material away from the Brazilian UFO community for over 10 years.
Boaventura was given the referred documents by a retired Brazilian Air Force
military source in the 90s and has kept it secret since then. At the recent III
World UFO Forum, held in June 2009 in Curitiba (PR), Brazil, however, he was
formally requested by the members of CBU and decided to hand over the whole
lot of documents on behalf of the freedom of information campaign. “I decided
to contribute to this endeavor, so I’m sending these documents to be published
by the Brazilian UFO Magazine”, he declared.

Last week, Boaventura gave to the Brazilian UFO Magazine editor A. J.
Gevaerd, coordinator of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU),
over 1,300 pages of previously unseen documents from SIOANI, besides 28
colored sketches and 64 photos taken by the Air Force in the 1960’s. Along
with them, there came 137 pages of color files with 3 sketches and 17 photos,
all official. He has been asked by many other Brazilian UFO researchers why he
had kept all such material far from the UFO Community for so long.

Previously unreleased material

This vastly important and significant material was not part of the official
Brazilian UFO disclosure. The Brazilian UFO Magazine website [www.ufo.com.
br] has already made available in the last months over 1,200 pages of
documents, besides 200 photos of SIOANI’s activities as well as Operation
Saucer, carried out in the Amazonian region in 1977. But none of the
documents received by CBU from the Brazilian Government contained anything
such as the colored drawings of UFOs made by the military personnel who
used to work for SIOANI, nor pictures of witnesses, such as that of nurse Maria
Cintra, who had a close encounter with an extraterrestrial being on the early
hours of August 25th 1968, in Lins (SP), one of the classical UFO incidents in
Brazilian Ufology that was secretly investigated by the militaries.

Included in the newly revealed documents are the detailed research
proceedings carried out in dozens of UFO-related incidents, which had not
been made public so far. Some of the colored sketches of UFO incidents
investigated by SIOANI are here:


All the material handed over to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers
CBU) was additionally sent to the Nation`s National Archives in the Federal
Capital, Brasilia, whose reception was officially communicated to the Nation
president’s Civil Office, and now became an integral part of the process
headed by CBU. “This will no doubt add to the pressure exerted upon the
Government for the release of new folders containing data pertaining to UFOs
and the military activity in the ongoing Brazilian UFO research”, said
geographer Fernando Ramalho, one of CBU’s members. This material now
made public through the Brazilian UFO Magazine should be released just when
it was given to a civilian researcher, over 10 years ago.

Download the new files in PDF or JPG formats (total is over 360 Mb) from this


Other documents can be found here:


Please note: Download, print, publicize and otherwise share these documents
around, but not fail to mention the source, Brazilian UFO Magazine, and
emphasize that this material is coming to public thanks to the efforts of the
Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU).

What was the SIOANI

The System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI)
was unprecedented in Brazil and in the world. It was created in 1969, under the
inspiration and guidance of Air Force major-brigadier José Vaz da Silva, head
of the Committee for the Investigation of Flying Saucers. In its early stages,
SIOANI had high-ranked propositions and it operated exemplarily. Its
conceptualization demonstrates so: “SIOANI is the collective resources of
personnel and materiel dedicated to the investigation and research of the so-
called Unidentified Aerial Objects (UAO) phenomenon”. The closure of the
USAF’s Project Blue Book in 1969 may have contributed for the shutting down
of SIOANI in 1972. Unfortunately, over 90% of FAB personnel nowadays have
absolutely no knowledge of this amazing endeavor. However, as far as we
know, the percentage of laypeople involved in the issue tends to increase
quickly. The SIOANI was organically constituted by:

(a) Center for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects (CIOANI) – A
central body of the System.

(b) Investigation Zone of Unidentified Aerial (ZIOANI) – A geographical area
which comprised the Offices for the Investigations of Unidentified Aerial Objects
(NIOANI). There were six of those offices.

(c) Office for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects (NIOANI) – A
bureau that was in charge of observing, investigating and collecting materials
for research into the Unidentified Aerial Objects (UAO). Its function could be
executed by a military agency, a public institution or individuals. The NIOANI
was attached to its corresponding ZIOANI.

(d) Research and Analysis Laboratories (LIOANI) – Supporting agencies for the
accomplishment of research tasks and material analysis related to UAO.

(e) Personnel and materiel transport (TIOANI) – Means of transportation that
was first provided by official agencies, military or civilian, upon request by
CIOANI, ZIOANI or NIOANI. When official transport was not available, the
commercial transportation could be used. The transport had to be appropriate,
efficient and fast. A quick arrival to the spot where a UFO incident had occurred
was basic, so that there would be no alteration of traces or distortion of facts.
For that purpose there were five small-sized aircraft, two twin-engine craft and
three single-engine craft, based on the Park for Aeronautical Materiel in São
Paulo, and were run by the 4th Air Zone. Those aircraft were used for the
Organization’s normal services, as well by those demanded by SIOANI.

(f) Communication network (RIOANI) – Comprised of a web that involved the
now-extinct FAB’s communication networks, and further Singular Forces
(Brazilian Army and Navy), Police Forces and the amateur-radio network,
aiming at rapid transmission of phenomenological occurrences or the
information flow between the several links in the system. SIOANI reported to the
Ministry of the Aeronautics, but the results of its work was forwarded to the Air
Force’s Chiefs-of-Staff. Within the 4th Air Zone, it was outside the frame of its
Chiefs-of-Staff, but its chief was also responsible for the 2nd Section
(Information), encompassing CIOANI, which confirmed that the UFO issue was
handled by an Information (nowadays Intelligence) officer.

Considering that SIOANI wasn’t a top secret agency and that even civilian
researchers took part of its procedures, all this structure proves that Brazil was
the first country in the world ever to officially and publicly admit the reality of the
UFO Phenomena, and the first one to investigate it openly, in a not secret

A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Coordinator, Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)
National Director, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

PS. Many thanks to Marcos Malvezzi Leal for helping in the translation.
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August 14, 2010
Important - More Files Released